The Marine Electronics for Navigation course treats a broad range of electronic navigational equipment, including:

  • Depth Sounders
  • Radar
  • Loran
  • GPS (Global Positioning System)
  • Electronic Charting
  • Computer-assisted Navigation


Each topic covers system description, installation, operation, and servicing. Emphasis is on basic physical description. Demonstration materials are used to illustrate the textbook. After completing this course, you should be able to determine your electronic navigation equipment needs, understand specifications and the capabilities and limitations of such equipment, and know how to operate the equipment.


Although there are no formal prerequisites for this course, you should have a reasonably good understanding of fundamental radio concepts as covered in Marine Communication Systems, especially radio wave propagation (ground wave, sky wave, and direct wave), radio frequency spectrum allocations, and antenna basics.


Suggested readings:
Don Hagen
P/R/C Don Hagen, SN
P/R/C Don Hagen, SN, is a past chairman of the national Marine Electronics Committee, past squadron commander, and past district commander. He is a registered professional engineer with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering. His career in the defense electronics industry spanned 40 years. Now retired, he holds a USCG 100-ton Master's License, and has sailed for over 30 years in New England coastal waters. He has taught this course 16 times, and has a Chapman award for excellence in teaching.
Contact Instructor at 508-655-1143 or Email SailorDon


For course dates, check the "Calendar". If not scheduled, call Call SEO P/C Jim Mahoney, AP at 508-655-5244. Courses will be offered based on Member interest and requests.